
Sponsorship Success Metric

Hissy fit

Just after DrupalCon Sydney at the start of February of this year, I overheard some people wondering why they should sponsor a DrupalCon. Considering the people who attend, there's not a lot of product selling you can do if you're a Drupal shop and unless you're looking to hire delegates as new staff, there's not a lot of direct benefit from having a sponsor booth or table.

Obviously, helping to fund a DrupalCon and the Drupal Association via a sponsorship are good things to be doing for the community, but the payoff isn't necessarily immediately apparent. However, there definitely is one. There just hasn't been a metric for it, let alone a testable metric.

Announcing the Drupal 8 Compatibility API

Drupal Compatibility

For some time now I've thought that I don't like the direction Drupal 8 development is heading in. The code base is getting larger and larger, the code is getting slower and slower and the mix of plugins and annotations that replaces hooks makes the development experience far less consistent.

On top of that, the PSR-0 "standard" means humans have to now write code that is more convenient to parse for computers than for other humans.

The Spam War

The spam war

As things on the internet go, not many are worse than spammers. At best they're nuisance, at worst the hardware, cycles and power wasted on dealing with them is causing global warming and pollution at an ever accelerating rate.

I'm most annoyed by the wasted cycles. When I run a web site, I'd like to use the CPU power I pay for to be used to serve (admittedly mediocre) content to people that might get some (questionable) value out of them.