Virtually all of my Drupals are hosted on a single server, running Apache with mod_php5. Apache is by no means light-weight, so the server is starting to creak a bit under the combined load of all these sites.
I've been meaning to have a go at configuring nginx with php5 in fastcgi mode, to check the difference this would make on system load.
The tricky thing is that I run all my Drupals from a single code base and use Apache's mod_vhost to run all these sites from a single configuration file. Basically mod_vhost will service a web site from a specific directory if that directory exists in a specific location.
Because of this, none of the Drupals use the /files directory either, but store all their data in sites/sitename/files. Some rewrite rules then make sure that a request for an image or css in /files gets redirected to the correct location.
Of course I wouldn't want to switch back to a per-host configuration file, so I needed to find out how to make nginx do the same thing. A spot of googling found me the right configuration directives. I've included the basics below.
server { listen 80; location / { # Define a virtual document root, based on the host name. root /srv/www/$host/html; index index.php;
# Strip www. from the host name and redirect. # This means less symlinks are needed for sites/* and search # engines only index, not as well. if ($host ~* "^www\.(.*)$") { set "$domain" "$1"; rewrite (.*) http://$domain$uri permanent; } # Make index.php handle urls that don't exist on disk. if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1 last; break; } } # Rewrite /files to be served from the per-site files dir. location /files { rewrite ^/files/(.*)$ /sites/$host/files/$1 last; } }
Nginx current runs on port 81, so you can have a go of it via Nginx is now live on port 80. I'm not sure if it would be possible or more efficient to simply stick a different root directive in the /files location, rather than rewriting the uri.
The rest of the nginx and fastcgi configuration, including init scripts, can be found at
When you also use SSL and want to use the securepages Drupal module, you need to make sure the HTTPS environment variable is set. Courtesy of
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