

The ghosts of conference(s) past meeting took place in Hobart over the past weekend and some members of the Mel8ourne team as well as a few other previous LCA organisers all got together with the LCA09 team to pass on information and share experiences.

I had been to Tasmania for a few days many moons ago, but had forgotten what Tasmania looked like. Wonderful, even though the grass is a sickly green instead of a healthy brown like on the mainland. If nothing else, 2009 will be the most beautiful LCA to date.

mythtv revisited

A quick update from mythtv land. It would seem that as of about two weeks ago, my DViCO Dual Digital 4 card is officially supported.

I just pulled the latest drivers out of mercurial and it seems tuning speeds have been much improved since I did my last update somewhere near the start of January.

Small tweak, the driver is now called tuner_xc2028 and not xc3028-fe.

Tainted LUV

Last tuesday evening Microsoft (MSFT) came to speak at Linux Users of Victoria (LUV).

Unlike SLUG, we didn't prepare a set of questions, but let the representatives do their thing and ask questions as they arose.

Tux VaderMost of the talk was about OOXML; some details about the file format and some info about and justifications for the ISO standard application.