miniconf schedules

In the lead up LCA2010 there was some noise on the mailing list about the miniconf schedules. Specifically about where and how miniconf organisers should (be forced to) publish their schedules.

Jacinta Richardson invested a lot of time and effort in aggregating all all disparate schedules and turning them into a single table on the LCA wiki, which made life easy for most attendees. However, that still leaves the questions of schedule changes and updates.

Storage miniconf at 2010

Since you were going to 2010 in Wellington, NZ anyway in January of next year, you should submit a proposal to speak at the data storage and retrieval miniconf.

If you have something to say about storage hardware, file systems, raid, lvm, databases or anything else linux or open source and storage related, please submit early and submit often!

The call for proposals is open until September 28.

day 0 and 1 at lca

Waiting for the projector in Burbury 2 to sort itself out, I thought I'd say that the first two days of not-quite-lca (Sunday/Monday) have been great. They mainly involved eating and drinking, not so much the attending of mini-confs, though.

If you're in Hobart and you're looking for somewhere to eat, I can heartily recommend the Bay Leaf Bistro at 160 Sandy bay Road - a short walk from the university, which serves decent home-style food.