lca2010 miniconf schedules

In the lead up LCA2010 there was some noise on the mailing list about the miniconf schedules. Specifically about where and how miniconf organisers should (be forced to) publish their schedules.

Jacinta Richardson invested a lot of time and effort in aggregating all all disparate schedules and turning them into a single table on the LCA wiki, which made life easy for most attendees. However, that still leaves the questions of schedule changes and updates.

Data Storage and Retrieval Miniconf

Yay! My miniconf submission for 2010 in Wellington was accepted!

Hard disk. Slightly used.I will shortly get my act together and write a proper brief and a request for proposals. However, if you're frothing at the mouth with excitement and want to know if you might have a suitable topic you could speak on, here's a short list of the sorts of topics I'm looking for: