T plus 878931
Posted by cafuego on Thursday 7 February 2008.After doing some more poking around in the database and twiddling with Gnumeric, I have another pretty graph with usseless stats. This one shows the ratio of accepted versus rejected talk and tutorial proposals by date.
Offhand it seems your chances of having a proposal accepted are higher if you submit in the week just before or after the deadline.
T plus 810875
Posted by cafuego on Wednesday 6 February 2008.After a few questions on IRC as to what the numbers were on the distro, editor and shell fields for registrants and a tiny bit of egging on to make me do graphs, here is the first cut; DistroWars, EditorWars and ShellWars.
That's a hands down win for Ubuntu and deb based distros in general.
you're about to miss out
Posted by cafuego on Friday 21 December 2007.Nearly there.
With just on 38 days to go before opens, we have 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 tickets left to sell, and they're going fast.
If you've registered - but not yet paid - you're probably missing out as you read this! Your place is not guaranteed until you've paid.
So, if you did miss out and you still want to go, consider volunteering. As a volunteer you won't be able to go to many talks, but you'll certainly be part of the buzz.
early bird - sold out
Posted by cafuego on Friday 16 November 2007.It's official! As of 17 minutes ago, early bird tickets for are no longer available. They sold out less than a day before EB would have closed otherwise.
I would say we had estimated it very well, but we all know everyone leaves these things to the last second ;-)
Next milestone, here we come!
In other news, your tax invoice is now available as PDF from your registration status page too.
eating in mel8ourne
Posted by cafuego on Wednesday 14 November 2007.You're attending, the sessions have finished for the day, the food court is closed and now you and your friends are in desperate need of food, but you don't know where to go.
This should be a problem no more. Melbourne has thousands of restaurants, many of which are only a short walk from our conference venue. The main restaurant strips are marked in purple on the map page, but a purple line isn't helpful in finding out what is available. update
Posted by cafuego on Thursday 1 November 2007.I suppose it's been pretty quiet on the front since we've opened registrations, so perhaps an update is in order.
Things are progressing well and we seem to be tracking okay. Data is being generated for graphing purposes :-) There are 16 days to go until Early Bird registrations close!
Nothing major has broken as of yet (*tap*) and we're just about to do some updating on the main site.
Until that's done, here is a quick listing of the social programme for those who asked:
- Speakers Dinner - Tuesday Jan 29, 2008
- Penguin Dinner - Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
- Professional Delegates Networking Session - Thursday Jan 3, 2008
- Open Day - Saturday 2 Feb 2008 programme
Posted by cafuego on Sunday 23 September 2007.
Well then, after a nearly false start two weeks ago, we now have a programme for 2008! Before we publicise it, we need to of course notify speakers, which means it's still hush-hush completely secret confidential we can't reveal any details publically.
However, we can provide you with a sneak preview: